Thursday, October 7, 2010

Typical life of a.....................packer/mover/job seeker/mom...............

So last Thursday night we got a note on our door that said our house will be going up for auction on October 25th (yes my flippin birthday).  So we had exactly 26 days to find a house, pack a 4 bedroom 2 bath house and get everything moved in.  I FREAKING LOVE MY LIFE!!!!  So Saturday Rob and I went house hunting and found 2 houses that we liked and had to wait til monday to see if they would accept our 2 big ass fucking dogs and shhhh don't tell cat.   So the one we were in LOVE LOVE LOVE with accepted our 2 dogs for a deposit of only $300 per dog.  FML.  So now we have a new house and the real fun begins the packing!!! Since I am doing such a great job and love packing so much I am going to buy myself a new couch and loveseat!!!  Oh and I am taking Angelina and I to the zoo.  That's what I have to do to get myself to do things I absolutely LOVE  LOATH.  I convinced Rob that we can put our old sectional, that 1 of our big ass fucking dogs and cat that doesn't exist tore the fuck up, into our loft and turn it into the toy/tv room. 
    Besides looking for houses and packing while Rob is working like crazy and helping as much as possible I am looking into a new job opportunity because I make so much money right now that I contribute absolutely nothing to our household besides my cleaning skills which if you know me are absolutely horrid and my meal making skills which actually are really good and the pennies that i can put towards our bills.  So when the opportunity came  up for me to possibly get a new job working a normal schedule and making decent money I decided I should try for it.   So I will keep you all posted on how this goes.  
     Oh yah and I have been trying to be a not so stressed nice loving mom to Angelina who is so amazing she puts up with and still likes playing with a not sweet girl bullying her at school.  I have been able to spend a lot more time with her lately and love listening to her because she is pretty frickin funny.  She helped me fold laundry today and actually did a great job and now I don't have to wait until she goes to bed and refold because she is actually doing an acceptable job.  She makes everything I do everyday worthwhile even when I want to strangle her because she NEVER stops talking and is part of the reason that when she is not home I go out get "slizzerd."  which ironically is one of the only words from "Like a G6" that she knows.  
     Until next time, 

oh the "joys" of motherhood!!!

Is it completely inappropriate to tell a 6 year old "That outfit does not match and there is no way in hell I am going to let you wear that out in public, because I judge people and their kids when they don't match!  I spend too much money for you to have cute clothes and shoes for you to wear an old black sweater when it is 110 degrees outside and a green striped dress."?????  I wanted to say it but I said "no because  (insert long pause as I hesitated and stopped myself from saying anything rude)  um it doesn't match!"
Today we I finished her first school project I think!!  I swore that I wouldn't do it myself and i guess I didn't do it all alone she wrote what I told her to write and She glued the pictures how I told her to glue them!!  I think that I might be am a control freak!   Which seems to have rubbed off on her.  oops. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Typical Life of a............... Partier?!?!?!

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, unless of course you.......
1) Live here and run into people you know
2) Get gonasyphillaids or some other kind of fun little STD
3) Get pregnant
4) Drink too much and end up in the hospital and have to explain that to your emergency contact

So I went out the other night with some girls one of whom I am friends with the other ones are friends of hers and were visiting from the midwest in case any of you don't know Vegas is a little more crazy than the midwest but just a little.  Anyways I really don't like hanging out with only girls because girls+booze=drama 99.99999% of the time.  I had a lot of fun until approximately 3 am!  The drama ensued I finally made it home at 4:30 am after several frantic calls to Rob,  dealing with the drama and sobering up, and both girls leave with men (who are not their husbands).   I have to laugh I was the only unmarried one and I was the only one not walking hand in hand with some random stranger.  That leaves me with the question how many times does that happen in this crazy city?

So now that I have finished venting and learned that if I am going to party in this town I need to do so away from the Strip and with at least 1 or 2 guys so that they can break up the drama.  Oh God I miss the midwest and it's simple ways.  

Thanks for listening to may ramblings!

Keepin the love
 The las vegas party animal
 drinking closer to home from now on

Monday, September 13, 2010

Typical life of a ........................ BLOGGER!

I guess I am a blogger now......whether you like it or not!

       I have always looked at other blogs and wondered if I had anything truly blog worthy!  Does anything happen in my life that anyone really even cares about or would want to hear about.  I guess maybe it's a way for people to keep up with my "family", if that's what you wanna call our mixed up little house of people and animals - 1 mom  (Shi) , 1 Rob (Ko), 1 Angelina (Fen), 2 dogs and 1 cat (andpets) oh and a roommate.  Maybe blogging will keep me away from facebook, that should make Rob happy?!?!  

       So you will get to hear about my life as a mom, dog mom, cat mom, girlfriend of a pilot- (Pilot-not the glorious job you all think it is............starting pay: approx $12,000/YEAR thank GOD we are have made it through that period,  Schedule: on-call 24 hours/day but he says the more hours he has the more opportunities he will get!!!!!  *******I'm just sending that out into the Universe*******), photographer in the casinos-(also not the glorious job you all think it is......because drunk people although I will throw a few back with the best of them are not super fun or funny when you are stone sober especially when they all say the same damn thing.......... what happens in Vegas does not always stay in Vegas Motherf$#K*&), part-time esthetician and many many  many other fun things!!!  So I hope you enjoy the stories, drama and whatever else should ensue through my "creative" ramblings!  

Happy Monday All!!!!!